Image Usage and Copyright Policy

At Shobi Photography, we recognize the importance of respecting intellectual property rights, particularly in regard to images.

The following policy outlines our approach to the use of images:

1. Ownership and Copyright: All images displayed on our platforms, including websites, social media, and promotional materials, are either owned by us, used with permission, or licensed for our use. Images that are not owned by us are used under appropriate licenses or with the explicit permission of the copyright owner.

2. Permission Requirement: Users, visitors, and employees are prohibited from downloading, copying, or using images from our platforms without obtaining prior permission from us or the respective copyright owner, unless explicitly permitted by this policy or by law.

3. Attribution and Use: If permission is granted for the use of an image, proper attribution must be provided as specified by the copyright owner. Users must adhere to any specific terms and conditions set forth by the copyright owner regarding the use of their images.

4. Prohibited Actions: Any unauthorized use of images, including but not limited to downloading, reproduction, distribution, or modification without permission, is strictly prohibited and may constitute copyright infringement.

5. Legal Compliance: We are committed to complying with all applicable copyright laws and regulations. Any misuse of images may result in legal action, penalties, and termination of access to our platforms.

6. Reporting Unauthorized Use: If you believe that an image has been used on our platforms without permission or in violation of copyright law, please contact us immediately so that we can investigate the matter and take appropriate action.

7. Educational Outreach: We strive to educate our employees, users, and visitors about the importance of respecting intellectual property rights and complying with copyright laws.

This policy applies to all individuals accessing or using our platforms. By accessing our platforms, users agree to abide by this Image Usage and Copyright Policy.

For further inquiries or to request permission for the use of an image, please contact us.